Driven by the green transition

More than 100 billion dollars will be invested in northern Sweden in the coming decades, and about 70 of those in Norrbotten county. Both new and established companies are behind these investments, which in various ways, and with a green approach, make major strides away from fossil-fuelled and finite value chains, to renewable and circular once.

With major expectations from consumers, in international agreements and frameworks, and new technologies, a large and growing market has quickly established. With a strong industrial spirit, major know-how, proximity to raw materials and energy, and good logistics well within reach of European and global markets, Sweden is a geographical target for the industrial transition.

It is a sensational situation, offering major opportunities at local, regional and national levels, but also in global context, as the industries now turning to northern Sweden will make a powerful contribution to reduced climate footprints. The transition will lead to a major increase in electricity use, which will require extensive electrification and improved capacity. With short timeframes and strong demand, accelerated electrification and smart energy optimization is an absolute must.

By strengthening power grid infrastructure, we can ensure a transition not just in new and existing industries – our entiry community will be better equipped for transitioning, and doing so in line with the UN Agenda 2030, especially the global goals of: Sustainable enrgy for all; sustainable industry, innovation and infrastructure and Sustainable cities and communities

Position paper: Electrification

One of the major risks is the availability of green, fossil-free energy. In most areas, dedicated work is being done to increase capacity, but power supply and the lead times involved is a major risk for obstacles in many of the investments planned in northern Sweden.

We see a major opportunity to secure investment by expanding knowledge exchange and continued dialogue. In our position paper, we highlight identified problems, solutions and their value. Read it in full, here.