
Luleå Meet-ups #3

Welcome to Luleå Meet-ups!

Newcomers and anyone eager to meet new people in Luleå are welcome to create new connections, discover what happens in Luleå, enjoy finger food, and hopefully make new friends. Luleå meet-ups is an English-speaking forum where openness, sharing, kindness and curiosity rules.

The theme for this Luleå Meet-ups event will be ”Discovering traditions in northern Sweden” with invited guests!


Have you lived in Luleå for several years or did you arrive to Luleå yesterday? It doesn’t matter – everyone is welcome!

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Onsdag 12 jun 17:00 - 19:30


Luleå Meet-ups #3


Kulturcentrum Ebeneser
Skomakargatan 23
972 31 Luleå